Tongue and lip ties are common pediatric conditions that, if left unaddressed, can significantly impact a child’s speech development, feeding, and overall well-being. So what exactly are tongue and lip ties? In this article, we’ll explain what ties are, how they affect speech development, and why it’s crucial to spot and treat them early. … Read more »
Understanding Tongue and Lip Ties: Identifying Symptoms in Children
Parenthood comes with its own set of challenges. So it’s no wonder that many parents (and medical professionals) overlook tongue and lip ties, especially when they do not appear severe. Typically, as long as a child is latching ok, nothing is said about the condition. But these ties, when left untreated, can have a significant… Read more »
What Are the Symptoms of Tongue Tie in Babies?
It might be hard to believe, but tongue tie occurs in around five percent of all newborn babies, and even this figure may be underreported. Known as ankyloglossia, it can be a serious problem for a child’s ability to talk, eat, and if very severe, even breathe. Fortunately, there are treatment options for this condition,… Read more »
Breastfeeding Benefits of Frenectomies
For a baby’s first year, breastmilk is a can’t-be-beat way of providing optimal nutrition to a baby. A child receives antibodies, boosting their immune system, leading to fewer illnesses in breastfed babies. Breast milk is also known to reduce more long-term diseases, like the likelihood of developing diabetes or asthma, even eczema! It’s so nutritious,… Read more »
Symptoms of Tongue Tie in Adults
You may be more familiar with tongue tie issues in newborns and young children, often impeding the ability to breastfeed successfully. It is estimated that between 4 to 10% of babies are born with some degree of a tongue tie. Many of these children are never diagnosed and treated for their ankyloglossia. As an adult,… Read more »
Tongue and Lip Ties: Are They Genetic?
We often get asked when parents of newborns with tongue or lip ties come in, if the child developed the tie as a result of a genetic predisposition. Truth be told, there is much to still learn about tongue and lip ties, but here are some of what we do know, about how ties are… Read more »